Who is Battlescooter?




Site is under construction 4/1/2024

We are making the transition back to an information only site. 2020 has had everyone re-evaluating just what the heck we're all doing. Well, Battlescooter is no exception. My near 20 year journey of running a shop has effected my ability to enjoy my true love, which is riding. I'll still be working in the background at a limited capacity. We need a way to monetize the site or just sell it outright.

Let's clear up the word "Scooter". A scooter or "scoot" is a motorcycle first and foremost. It's that two wheeled thing you use to scoot.. I came up with Battlescooter because it's a scoot that looks like it's battle ready. Battlescooter started with the US introduction of the Honda Ruckus in 2003 and for good measrure, my life long admiration for Japanese attention to detail. Why the Ruckus? It's so pure, made me feel like a kid again.

I've been riding since I was 12, when I bought my 1st bike. Of course I like all bikes, I'm addicted. I can safely say more than I can remember, I know it's way over one hundred, the same goes for cars. Riding is a very important escape for motorcycle owners around the world. The special connection we have to riding brings us all together. To be apart of that in any capactiy is an honor.

I'm a life long lover of fixing machines with wheels and paid mechanic for over 30 years. I have a strong belief in only replacing the original part with another that is focused on function and quality.

Battlescooter online was all about the Ruckus. The Ruckus is the reason for Battlescooter. In the brick and motar store I have sold parts for, and worked on all bikes because I do love all bikes. I never set out to sell all the parts I could get my hands on, just the ones I liked. Being able to serve riders is the part I enjoyed the most. Thank you

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